Open and conversational recruitment process of Gasmet
Mari Fromholdt, Director of Administration, is at the forefront of Gasmet HR – contacting job applicants and welcoming newcomers. In addition to her administrative and supervising tasks, her job consists of recruitment and occupational safety. She works closely with management, team managers, payroll, and health care – not to mention the employees. She is happy that Gasmet has a functioning recruitment plan and an open and conversational way of performing the searches.
Fromholdt is the first person Gasmet’s newcomers meet. She takes part in interviews, welcomes the new employees, and organizes the orientation.
Fromholdt has played an active part in forming the current recruitment process at Gasmet. She is delighted that the recent employee surveys show that the employees are very satisfied working at Gasmet, and they all embrace the great work atmosphere. Fromholdt admits that the future is looking quite appealing.
“Gasmet has grown remarkably in the five years since I’ve started working here. The number of employees has doubled! We open approximately five new positions per year and the near future does not show any signs of slowing down.”
The journey of job applications
Fromholdt goes through the applications and forwards the most suitable ones to the department or team that is recruiting. After careful consideration with the team managers, she informs all the applicants whether they have been chosen for an interview or not. All the communication happens within a reasonable time after application time is closed. Gasmet does not want to leave a single applicant feeling uncertain in the recruitment process.
Regular and adequate interaction has brought positive feedback from the job applicants. Fromholdt is happy that they can leave a positive image of the company in either way what happens in the recruitment process.
“I explain to them shortly why they are not selected to the next round. We select the person who has the necessary skills for the job. Unfortunately, other good candidates are set aside. This does not automatically mean that our paths will not cross anymore – we would like to encourage them to contact us again if other positions open.”
In recruitments that require special skills, Gasmet occasionally turns to headhunter for help. As strong technical knowledge is valued at Gasmet, the company also takes part in fairs and exhibitions as well as student events to find the perfect matches.
It’s interview time!
The ideal candidates are eager to share their expertise with colleagues and customers. They show interest in their colleagues and appreciate their skills. They are also ready to challenge the current processes and procedures in the sake of continuous development. These kinds of candidates will fit in great at Gasmet. Gasmet utilizes a set of standard interviewing questions, but there is always room for open discussion.
It is normal to get nervous before the interview. Fromholdt wants to keep the interviews casual instead of bombarding the applicant with tough questions. A conversational and human approach is much better and gives both the company and the applicant a fair chance to show their personality.
It’s as much about the applicant choosing Gasmet as it is about Gasmet choosing the applicant.
By the end of the day, she wants all the applicants to see and feel the company’s true colors. She describes Gasmet as a place where employees start and finish their day with a big smile and feel comfortable and relaxed with their colleagues.
In specializing positions, a few of the top applicants participate in an aptitude test performed by a psychologist. The test results are never the only reason a person gets selected, but they support the decision-making.
Working together towards a common goal
The employees appreciate flexible working hours, open communication, reasonable workload, and the all-round sense of trust. Functioning, quality work equipment and a pleasant work environment are added perks, as well as the support for continuous learning and development.
Gasmet gives the employees equal possibilities to apply for a job inside the organization if they want to have new challenges in their career. Job postings are always informed internally as well, and Fromholdt finds it delightful that employees share the job advertisements proudly in their own social media and encourage people to join the merry bunch of Gasmet.
Employee satisfaction is regularly measured. According to the surveys, employees understand the meaning of each person’s job and appreciate the skills and knowledge that the community has. The importance of each employee’s work is clearly highlighted and therefore it is easier to feel satisfied with their own work and understand their part in achieving the common goal.
Fromholdt personally feels most proud of their spirit. True Gasmet spirit is all about teamwork in open cheerful atmosphere, valuing support and trust.
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