Change-making in the transport container industry requires solid professional knowledge and the best equipment
Customs Support Safety is on an important mission regarding dangerous gases in transport containers. They aim to raise awareness about the risks, educate clients and suppliers, and offer concrete advice on how to solve gas-related safety issues. The problem of harmful gases in containers is still relatively unknown and scarcely regulated, but a culture change for the better is underway.
The overarching goal of Customs Support is to offer companies all-round service to make sure that their goods can cross borders safely and without delay. This includes accurate and efficient gas measurements, risk analysis and ongoing education and discussion with global supply chains and authorities.
Customs Support switched from their old measurement procedures with colorimetric tubes and sensors to Gasmet’s advanced FTIR technology in 2014. Their long-lasting partnership with Gasmet has enabled Customs Support to grow to their current position as an agent for better safety in the industry.
Harmful gases in transport containers pose a serious threat to human health
Anna Leino, product manager for portable gas analyzers at Gasmet, describes the extent of the problem of harmful gases in containers:
“Transport containers often contain dangerous gases that cannot be detected by the human eye or nose. This means reliable measurement technology is the only way to find out if it is safe to inspect and unpack the container. If a logistics company doesn’t have the means to make sure, they are forced to waste time and money ventilating containers blindly, just in case.”
“Some of these substances are life-threatening even in small doses. Others cause health problems over time, irritating the eyes and respiratory system and even increasing the risk of cancer. Understanding and managing this issue properly is crucial for protecting employees and running customs operations efficiently. “
Read more about why container measurements are essential.
Customs Support plays an important role as an agent for safety in the industry
Customs Support Safety Expert Kevin van Tienen sums up the most vital benefit of investing in an FTIR analyzer: the drastically improved level of safety. 99% safe topped with a false sense of security is simply not enough when human health is at risk.
In 2021, Dutch gas measurement company Van Tienen Group became part of Customs Support’s new gas measurement division, Customs Support Safety. Their extensive experience in the field serves as an excellent foundation for the work ahead. Van Tienen reflects on developments in the industry:
“When Van Tienen Group started in 2008, the problem of gases in containers was completely unknown. Now many employees working in the logistics centers know that gas measurements are very important for their protection. We are beginning to see a culture change.”
“At Customs Support, it is our task to raise awareness about the risks, educate our customers and offer them concrete advice on how to solve these issues. We need a lot of professional knowledge and the best possible equipment to be able to act as an agent for change in the industry. That is where Gasmet comes in.”
A prosperous partnership thrives on dialogue and mutual learning
Besides the concrete measurement equipment, the partnership between Customs Support and Gasmet is characterized by an ongoing dialogue between technical expertise and hands-on practical experience. According to van Tienen, the new GT5000 Terra analyzer was developed according to field operation needs and feedback from Customs Support’s operators.
“The experts at Gasmet are very skilled and always willing to listen to our questions and suggestions. The updated FTIR analyzer is an excellent piece of equipment with new features that make it easy for us to measure accurately even in rough conditions.”