Each day, unsuspecting individuals encounter hazardous gases in various corners of the world. This can happen in a factory or laboratory when storing...
Ensuring your employees workplace air quality is safe
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Over the last three decades, Gasmet has evolved from a university spin-off into a global supplier and manufacturer of gas analysis systems through its...
Gasmet – Committed to producing high quality monitoring technology
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In this article, we look at the most common accidents taking place in confined spaces. Based on relevant work safety literature, we present the main c...
Confined Space Hazards – four main causes of serious accidents
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In this blog post, we answer the most frequently asked questions about our fully optimized solutions for continuous monitoring of mercury emissions, C...
Frequently Asked Questions about Continuous Mercury Monitoring
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CVAF is an extremely sensitive technology for mercury measurement with zero SO2 interference. But what does CVFAF mean and what makes it a superior an...
What is CVAF and why to choose it for mercury monitoring
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Dioxins and POPs are toxic, persistent, and nowadays ubiquitously present in our environment. Gasmet GT90 Dioxin+ is an exceptionally robust dioxin sa...
Importance of long-term sampling in dioxin monitoring
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The complexities of QAL (Quality Assurance Level) procedures for continuous emissions monitoring equipment and the EU Directives behind them can be cu...
Practical guide to QAL3: CMM AutoQAL makes QAL3 easier and more cost-efficient
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Continuous mercury monitoring is the most efficient way to prevent occupational and environmental hazards caused by airborne Hg. With Gasmet CMM AutoQ...
Unparalleled efficiency for continuous mercury monitoring – CMM AutoQAL
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